I decided sometime ago (just never seemed to have the time) that I needed to create a blog to satisfy my other half, my digital half. An outlet for me to share more about other things I know and of interest to me and maybe a few others. My film blog is pretty much film & instant photography based. All analog all the time. As much as I love film and lo-fi, I do live in a world very much digital and full of technology. My regular occupation is a t.v. editor using Final Cut Pro. I also work as a Mac tech/consultant. I take digital food porn pics for my other blog. So, what's the point of this blog then? I see this blog as a commonplace to post about any of my digital photography/artwork, Mac/iPhone info, tips or tricks. FCP related tips, maybe some videos and anything else I feel might actually be relevant (or not) without being to geeky or techy. Figure that's a good starting point.
Welcome to All Digital Goodness.